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MARCH 25, 2020 - A Message from School Nurse Zandra Wingfield

Zandra Wingfield

Hello precious Summit families,

I hope and trust that you are all doing well! I know that many changes in our lives during this time have been an adjustment for all of us, but I am encouraged to see the way our school and community have banded together to make it through as a team. Thank you for all that you do as parents/families!

A few things I wanted to send out to you that I believed would be helpful from a medical perspective:

1. Common symptoms to look for with Covid-19: I've had some people reach out asking about their specific symptoms, and I understand the current information out there can be hard to sift through. The CDC cites that common symptoms (which may appear 2-14 days after exposure) include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The biggest difference from other similar diagnoses like allergies or the common cold/flu (from what I've read and heard) is the rapid, sudden onset of symptoms unique to the coronavirus, like shortness of breath. IF you have developed a dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath (or any one of these symptoms) and you feel that you need to be tested, please call your local provider and talk with them about what to do next. I myself have had allergies in the past few days that have put me on alert, and found it helpful to read through the distinct symptoms to look for. These resources may help to differentiate between allergies, common cold, influenza, and coronavirus as well:

2. EMERGENCY warning signs of Covid-19: The CDC cites that these include (but are not limited to) trouble breathing (some people have stated that it feels like they can only use 20% of their lungs), persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, and bluish lips or face. Again, these can appear rapidly and suddenly, so please be aware and seek medical attention immediately if you develop these symptoms. More on these specific symptoms can be found here

3. Covid-19 Local Testing Centers: If you or someone you know is wanting to be tested, the link below has a list of the testing sites/drive thru testing centers nearest to our community (currently, the only counties listed are Henderson, Buncombe, and Jackson counties):

4. Virtual Visits: Many practices/clinics and health care systems are starting to roll out virtual visits or e-visits for those who want to talk with a health care provider over the phone about their symptoms. Please check with your health care provider's office/hospital as this may be an option for you as well. Mission Health is offering virtual visits for $25 at the link below:

As always, I am here for you and your family's needs during this time. Please let me know how best I can help you! Stay safe, continue to practice social distancing and proper hand hygiene, and know that we are here for you and eager to see all of your faces again! Reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Zandra Wingfield


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